Thursday 1 August 2013

Holloway’s Birthstone of the Month: Peridot

Well, today is the first of August and that means it’s all about peridot. Now, peridot and olivine are the same, but with a minor difference. Peridot is the gem version of olivine. So, for clarification purposes all peridot are olivine, but not all olivine are peridot.

Peridot has a beautiful olive green colour and is one of the few gems which are only found in one colour. However, it can be a chameleon. Peridot’s colour resembles emeralds of yellowish green so much that many expert gemmologists throughout the centuries and the world have mistaken the gem for an emerald. 

It may have been regularly mistaken for emeralds, but peridot has mystical qualities of its own. It has been said that it can heal the gallbladder and liver and wards off depression, fear, envy and attracts friendship. Believe us when we say you’re going to need the extra help because anyone that walks in a room wearing peridot is going to attract envy.

Did You Know?

Peridot has been discovered in meteorites.

It is known to help with money, protection and healing

Early crusaders brought the gem to Europe.

Increases divine inspiration, speech and makes medicine stronger.

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